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(162/185) 360 - BufferTabs: strip path of SFTP prefix

If the current buffer is an SFTP remote file, the path should be stripped of the prefix e.g.
when using the context menu option 'Copy Path to Clipboard'

See also #359 (SshConsole)

jEdit 5.3.0 (stable)
Enabled plugins: FTP 1.3, Common Controls 1.7.4, BufferTabs 1.2.4
Windows 7 x86_64
Oracle JRE 1.8.0_66 (x86_64) + JCE unlimited strength policies

Submitted bgolding - 2016-01-18 11:08:48.074000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels sftp buffertabs strip path clipboard
Status open Group None
Resolution None


2016-11-17 22:32:07.238000


I am part of a group hoping to contribute to jEdit, specifically. We know java and swing and have read the wiki and whatnot.

How can we "claim" this task?


2017-12-29 19:35:51.852000

You can submit a patch for this at any time, by creating a post in the jedit plugin patches tracker.